


We are excited to introduce the i-Ready curriculum, an innovative educational program designed to support your child’s learning journey. i-Ready combines personalized learning with adaptive assessments to ensure each student receives instruction tailored to their individual needs.

Personalized Learning:
i-Ready provides lessons that adapt to your child’s unique learning level. By identifying specific strengths and areas for improvement, the program creates a customized learning path to help them progress at their own pace. This approach ensures that all students are challenged appropriately and can build confidence in their abilities.

Adaptive Testing:
i-Ready’s assessment tools adjust the difficulty of questions based on your child’s responses. This means the tests are designed to accurately measure their understanding and growth in key areas such as reading and mathematics. The results from these assessments guide teachers in planning targeted instruction that addresses each student’s specific needs.

By using the i-Ready curriculum, we aim to provide a supportive and effective learning experience that helps every student succeed. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us.

KUDER Galaxy and Kuder Navigator

Kuder College and Career Program is designed to help align your child’s career aspirations with their academic journey. This program consists of two tailored components: Kuder Galaxy for grades K-5 and Kuder Navigator for grades 6-8.

Kuder Galaxy (Grades K-5):
Kuder Galaxy introduces our youngest students to the world of careers through engaging, age-appropriate activities. This program helps children explore various professions and understand the importance of education in achieving their dreams. By fostering early career awareness, Kuder Galaxy encourages students to start thinking about their future in a fun and interactive way.

Kuder Navigator (Grades 6-8):
Kuder Navigator provides middle school students with more in-depth career exploration and planning tools. Through self-assessments, students identify their interests, strengths, and potential career paths. The program then helps them connect these insights to relevant academic courses and extracurricular activities, setting a strong foundation for high school and beyond.

The Kuder College and Career Program aims to empower students with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their future.